Each year, our band of Merry Hoodlum Elves select families that need an extra hand around the holidays and deliver gifts and other surprises to their home – without them knowing!
Please send an email to telling us about the family you’d like to nominate and make sure to include answers to the questions below. Keep in mind that Ace & TJ’s Breaking & Entering Christmas is designed for families within listening areas of the Ace & TJ Show. Also, please keep in mind that this is about bringing Christmas to children who truly deserve to have a story-book Christmas morning.
Your Name:
Your Relationship To The Family You Are Nominating:
Your E-Mail Address:
Your Home Phone Number:
Your Cell Phone Number:
Your Work Number:
Your City, State & ZIP Code:
Your Age:
Name of the Family You Are Nominating:
Nominated Parents Names:
Names, Ages and Gender of Children Being Nominated:
Nominated Family’s Street Address:
Nominated Family’s City State and Zip:
Does this family have pets in the home:
Information on the family and why they need help this Christmas (in 100 words or less):